What Does Freedom Mean?
Then recently it suddenly made itself quite clear to me, in chapel or class or church, and it seems very absurd that I never really got it before. This American worldview has quite the wrong idea of what freedom really is. Well, maybe it's largely right in the sheerly earthly sense, but not in its most ultimate sense, and there it gets in the way.
To bring it down to the very basics, the human condition is slavery. When humans were created, they were in glorious freedom, being who they were meant to be, in perfect relationship with God. When they sinned, they chose to step out of freedom into slavery to be something they weren't created for. Now the world shows the effects of that, people running around trying to find their freedom, doing what seems right to them and finding it still enslaves them in pain, fear, anger, loneliness, emptiness.
And when we come to Christ, we return to what we were meant for. We are freed from what has enslaved humanity since the beginning. So the statement that we can't use our freedom as an excuse to sin is countering the view that says freedom is doing whatever we want. Freedom is much more--it's being released from a condition that destroys us and returned to the relationship we were created for. Before, we couldn't help sinning--we were slaves. Now we are free not to sin. Free not to destroy ourselves. Which means we are free to so much more--free to love and joy and hope and relationship--all the things people search for and are held back from. Now we are free to be who God created us to be.