Musings on Spirituality and Theology

Location: Springfield, Missouri, United States

I am a Master of Divinity student with a love-nay, obsession-for writing and theology. I write science fiction based on biblical stories and theology, and I love to sit and muse on theologial points and life in general in writing. I have often wished I had a way to communicate these musings to people who enjoy the same sort of thing; thus a blog.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Be Lifted High

In chapel one time we had an extraordinary example of using all kinds of talents in the worship of God. A young woman did a special number, a ballet to the song that goes, “Be blessed, be loved, be lifted high, be treasured here, now glorified.” It was amazing. How often do you have ballet in church or chapel? It’s amazing how things of beauty move me, especially as they are done for God’s glory. Another day, a friend of mine played a violin piece in chapel, and again the use of the arts in worship delighted me. God has made me to be touched, impacted by these things and to participate in them. I love it. I love how He has made me and the talents He has given others. The cross is the basis for everything. Talents and arts informed by, dedicated to, presided over by the cross—what wonderful things they will be! It has been said before: the church ought to be the most creative place. We cannot dare to say that these talents God has given us have no place in the church. Why has He given them to us but for His glory?

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